Your New Healthy Habits For 2024

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I have previously written a healthy habits blog and I wanted to dive a bit deeper in to it. I have since adopted new habits that I aim to do as much as possible for both a healthy body and mind. Let me know what you think!  – see previous blog here for additional healthy habits – The Best Start For 2023


SO bone broth is like a comfort food/drink that’s secretly a health ninja. It’s got so many benefits inside like collagen and minerals that your body loves.  Plus, it’s like a soothing balm for your gut, helping with digestion and keeping things soothed. It is a real powerhouse for your immune system too, giving it that extra boost it needs to fight off the Winter nasties. As well as all this, it’s like a magic potion for your skin and hair. Yeah, it’s basically the elixir of life in a cozy mug. So, next time you’re feeling a bit blah, just whip up some bone broth and let it work its magic. Trust me, your body will thank you later! PS it has lots of protein too if you track that! 

I have tried Chicken and Beef from Freja and massively rate it – click here to shop Freja


I have a measured bottle that I drink 2-3 of per day which is 2-3 litres. It isn’t too heavy to carry around like some of the larger models so I love it! We all know water is good for you but specific benefits are keeping everything running smoothly. Not only does it quench your thirst like nothing else, but it also does wonders for your skin, your digestion, and even your energy levels. Drinking enough water helps flush out toxins, keeps your joints happy, and boosts your brainpower too. So if you’re feeling a bit sluggish or your skin needs a glow-up, try and increase your water intake!

I have linked my LTK below which includes my water bottle and also my Brita filter, which I use every time to make sure the water is filtered! 



You may have noticed a trend lately cropping up here, there and everywhere – red light therapy masks! I invested in the Current Body mask (CLICK TO SHOP) I wear it for 10 minutes of an evening whilst listening to my positive affirmation audios (mentioned on this blog next)

Red Light Therapy has got some serious benefits. Picture this: glowing skin, reduced wrinkles, and even fewer breakouts – all thanks to this magical mask. Plus, it’s like a mini spa session right in the comfort of your own home. The red light boosts collagen production, evens out your skin tone, and speeds up the healing process. So, if you’re looking for that extra oomph in your skincare routine, this little beauty buddy might just be your new best friend. It is pricey but if you’re in to pricey skincare, facials and injectables anyway then it definitely evens out cost wise in my opinion! 


I personally use the Superhuman App (linked here) but there are a wide variety that you can access, including for free on youtube etc. I was sceptical myself beforehand as I thought it may be a bit airy fairy even for me. I thought I’d just try the free trial but I have been absolutely hooked since. If  you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed then it is calming to focus on the voice on the tape and the positive message. If you are in a good frame of mind then it is an excellent way to make the most of it and visualise your goals and future that you’re working towards. It may not be for everyone but if you’re even slightly in to that sort of manifestation or meditation vibe then I think you’d love them!


A herbal tea before bed is great way to promote relaxation and support a restful night’s sleep. Herbal teas like chamomile, lavender, or valerian root have natural calming properties that can help soothe your mind and body, making it easier to unwind after a long day. Plus, herbal teas are caffeine-free, so you can enjoy them without worrying about disrupting your sleep cycle. Not only does a bedtime herbal tea routine provide a comforting and soothing experience, but it also helps improve sleep quality, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated in the morning. So, next time you’re looking for a bedtime beverage, reach for a cup of herbal tea and let its gentle warmth lull you into a peaceful slumber.


Reading in bed isn’t just a snuggly nighttime ritual; it’s also a really good way to unwind and reap some serious mental benefits. Whether you’re diving into a thrilling mystery or immersing yourself in a captivating romance, reading can transport you to new worlds and provide a much-needed escape from the stresses of daily life. Not only does it help relax your mind and prepare you for a restful night’s sleep, but it also improves cognitive function, enhances creativity, and boosts overall well-being. Much healthier than scrolling social media! 

Here is my LTK shop linking my favourite books – linked here

I also have various blogs about my top book recommendations – linked here 


Sleep is one of the most important, core aspects to our health. It impacts absolutely everything so tracking sleep is hugely beneficial. I have used my Apple Watch but find my Whoop band to be better due to the longer battery life and detailed breakdown:

Get a free WHOOP 4.0 and one month free when you join with my link:

Here is a bullet point list just to remind you how important sleep actually is and why you need to try and prioritise it because it may be negatively impacting you even more than you realise:

– Improved cognitive function: Better concentration, focus, and memory retention.

– Enhanced mood: Reduced irritability, anxiety, and stress levels, leading to a more positive outlook.

– Increased energy levels: Feeling refreshed and alert throughout the day.

– Strengthened immune system: Better ability to fight off infections and illnesses.

– Regulated appetite: Improved hunger hormones balance, reducing cravings and supporting weight management.

– Faster physical recovery: Enhanced muscle repair and tissue regeneration during sleep.

– Lower risk of chronic diseases: Reduced risk of conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

– Better emotional regulation: Improved ability to handle emotions and cope with daily challenges.

– Enhanced creativity and problem-solving skills: Greater mental flexibility and innovation.

– Longevity: Studies suggest a link between sufficient sleep and increased lifespan.


This one sounds basic but I think when you are feeling good in your skin then you are more likely to feel good in general, every little helps! 

You can improve skin texture and hydration as well as elasticity. I think creating an evening routine and trying to stick to it as much as possible, is a wind down system and improves the likelihood of a good nights sleep! We do this for babies and then grow out of it but we are actually not too dissimilar! 

I have a HUGE range of moistorisers and I pick a different scent for each night depending what I fancy – I know that sounds quite sad but it is honestly such a treat and a really nice evening routine and I spend time thinking how grateful I am for everything whilst I do it! 

Click here – to browse my LTK shop for my favourites: 


I recently purchased a lovely brush from Elemis (linked here) after reading all the benefits to your lymphatic system specifically but there are a range of benefits to it which I’ve summarised here:

– Exfoliation: Removes dead skin cells from the surface, promoting smoother and softer skin.

– Stimulates circulation: Brushing helps increase blood flow to the skin, improving overall circulation and promoting a healthy glow.

– Lymphatic drainage: Stimulates the lymphatic system, aiding in the removal of toxins and waste from the body.

– Reduces cellulite: Regular dry brushing may help reduce the appearance of cellulite by breaking down fatty deposits and promoting lymphatic drainage.

– Boosts energy: The invigorating sensation of dry brushing can help boost energy levels and promote a feeling of rejuvenation.

– Improves skin tone and texture: Regular brushing can help improve the tone and texture of the skin, leading to a more even complexion.

– Enhances absorption of skincare products: By removing dead skin cells and unclogging pores, dry brushing can improve the absorption of moisturizers and other skincare products.

– Stress relief: The gentle pressure and rhythmic brushing motion can have a calming effect, reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

– Supports overall well-being: Dry body brushing is often considered a holistic practice that promotes overall health and well-being, both physically and mentally.

Ultimately, the best time to dry body brush is when it fits into your schedule and feels most beneficial for you. Some people may prefer the invigorating boost of morning brushing, while others may find evening brushing more relaxing. Experiment with both and see which time of day works best for you and your lifestyle.


I see no point in trying to look after your fave but neglecting your neck and hands – real tell tale signs of ageing so if you are bothered on any of that, try and incorporate care in to your routine! Cuticle oil is so beneficial and I get my nails done regularly so I like to keep them looking nice. My hands can often get dry or sore from renovation work so I try to keep on top of that with creams. 

You can get collagen hand gloves (linked an example here)

or a hand cream targeted for aging (linked an example here) 

Not forgetting cuticle oil (linked an example here)


There are SO many benefits to fresh ginger so you can incorporate it in to your meals or with hot water and lemon and honey.

Another handy form is a daily ginger shot – you can get these from a range of places but my personal favourite is from Exalt – linked here – where ‘CASSANDRA15’ gets you 15% off! 

Ginger benefits include:

  • Immune system boost-  Ginger contains compounds with potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help strengthen the immune system and protect against illnesses like colds and flu.
  • Aiding digestion  –  Ginger has been traditionally used to alleviate digestive issues such as indigestion, bloating, and nausea. Drinking a ginger shot can stimulate digestive enzymes, improve gut health, and ease discomfort.
  • Reducing inflammation – The bioactive compounds in ginger have been shown to reduce inflammation in the body, which may help alleviate symptoms of inflammatory conditions like arthritis and muscle soreness.
  • Supporting cardiovascular health – Ginger has been linked to improvements in heart health by lowering blood pressure, reducing cholesterol levels, and improving circulation.
  • Cognitive Function – Some research suggests that ginger may have neuroprotective properties and could help improve cognitive function and protect against age-related cognitive decline.
  • Alleviates menstrual discomfort – Ginger has been used for centuries to relieve menstrual pain and discomfort due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
  • Promotes weight loss – Ginger may help boost metabolism and suppress appetite, making it a useful addition to a weight loss regimen when combined with a healthy diet and exercise.
  • Energy Boost – Drinking a ginger shot can provide a natural energy boost without the crash associated with caffeine, helping to combat fatigue and improve focus and alertness.


My 2 personal favourite greens sachets are from Her Free Soul where ‘HOMELYBLOGGER’ gets 15% discount – linked here – they have the original flavour which I personally don’t mind or a Mango flavour if you’re against the ‘greens’t type of drinks! 

Or the latest product from Shreddy – linked here – they are often sold out but you can sign up for a restock email if they are! 

I have them in the morning as the first thing in a glass of water and it sets me up for the day! See each product on their websites for a specific breakdown of ingredients but I see them as a great way to get extra goodies and supplements each day.  


I absolutely love podcasts! I never watch TV during the day but if I’m working on my laptop or cooking etc then I love having them on in the background and learning about all different topics!. OR my funny choice is Peter & Abbey Crouch – they are hilarious. 

Click here for a previous blog I wrote about my favourites 


You can go to classes in person but I access my sound bath videos via my Pilates by Bryony app (linked here – there is a 7 day free trial ) which I would massively recommend! However, a more cost effective method would be simply to browse youtube! It can help you clear your mind and focus on your breath work too whilst listening – all hugely advantageous to promoting a healthy mind. 

Key benefits include:

Sound bath audios offer a myriad of benefits for both mind and body. These immersive auditory experiences provide deep relaxation, helping to alleviate stress, anxiety, and tension. By inducing a state of tranquility, they promote better sleep quality and serve as effective tools for meditation and mindfulness practices. The soothing vibrations and frequencies of sound bath audios foster a stronger mind-body connection, facilitating emotional release and promoting inner harmony. Additionally, they enhance focus, creativity, and overall well-being, making them valuable resources for anyone seeking to cultivate a sense of peace and balance in their lives.


Following on from my last point, I find breathwork incredibly important. Even if it comes down to as basic as, breathing in and out for slower/extended periods of time to calm your nervous system. Everyone gets overwhelmed at points so this is an incredibly useful tool to try and combat those stressful moments. If you want to go deeper in to it then guided audio/videos are a great tool. Again, these are available on Bryony’s app (linked above) or for free on youtube – have a browse! Try short ones to begin with, I struggle with long ones myself! 

Benefits include:

– Stress reduction

– Improved focus and concentration

– Enhanced emotional regulation

– Increased energy levels

– Better sleep quality

– Enhanced relaxation response

– Improved immune function

– Reduced anxiety and depression symptoms

– Enhanced self-awareness and mindfulness

– Improved cardiovascular health


Protein intake is not only important for gym bunnies – it is a key aspect to improving our health!

Increasing protein intake offers a wide range of benefits for overall health and well-being. By incorporating more protein-rich foods into your diet, you can support muscle growth and repair, improve satiety and weight management, enhance immune function, and promote better bone health. Additionally, protein plays a crucial role in various physiological processes, including hormone production, enzyme function, and tissue maintenance. Whether you’re an athlete looking to optimize performance, someone trying to lose weight, or simply seeking to improve your overall health, increasing protein intake can have significant and lasting benefits for your body and mind.

I try and incportate protein in to my day by meals, snacks and shakes – my favourite protein powder is the vanilla flavour by her free soul as I think it just complements so many different flavours/ingredients as I hate drinking the same thing every day so its the best value money wise! I’ve linked it here 

– ‘HOMELYBLOGGER’ gets discount 

Or Shreddy protein bars -Salted Caramel is by far my favourite!- Linked here – 


Recently I kept seeing the benefits of magnesium supplements being discussed and upon doing some research, I ordered Magnesium Glyciate – linked here –

I have summarised the bullet points below to give you a better idea but if you have a look in to it yourself you may want to give it a go because the benefits are quite varied and honestly sound an amazing boost!

Magnesium glycinate is a highly bioavailable form of magnesium that offers several health benefits:

– Enhanced absorption: Magnesium glycinate is absorbed efficiently by the body, making it an effective way to replenish magnesium levels.

– Improved sleep quality: Magnesium plays a key role in regulating neurotransmitters involved in sleep, such as GABA. Supplementing with magnesium glycinate may help improve sleep quality and promote relaxation.

– Reduced muscle cramps and spasms: Magnesium is essential for proper muscle function, and supplementing with magnesium glycinate can help reduce the frequency and severity of muscle cramps and spasms.

– Support for bone health: Magnesium is important for bone formation and density. Taking magnesium glycinate may help support bone health and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

– Stress reduction: Magnesium is known to have a calming effect on the nervous system. Supplementing with magnesium glycinate may help reduce stress and anxiety levels.

– Relief from migraines: Some research suggests that magnesium supplementation may help reduce the frequency and severity of migraines, possibly due to its role in regulating neurotransmitters and blood vessel function.

– Support for cardiovascular health: Magnesium plays a role in maintaining normal heart rhythm and blood pressure. Supplementing with magnesium glycinate may help support cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of heart disease.

– Improved mood and mental health: Magnesium is involved in neurotransmitter function and mood regulation. Taking magnesium glycinate may help improve mood and overall mental well-being.


This was one of the most popular replies on Instagram when I asked people for their favourite daily healthy habits! Even a short walk outdoors is so refreshing both physically and to be honest, probably especially mentally! 

 First and foremost, it provides an easy way to incorporate physical activity into your routine, helping to improve cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles, and maintain a healthy weight. Additionally, walking stimulates circulation, which can boost energy levels and improve overall vitality. Beyond the physical benefits, a daily walk can also be a powerful mood booster, reducing stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms. The rhythmic motion of walking promotes relaxation and mindfulness, allowing for clearer thinking and enhanced creativity. Moreover, walking outdoors exposes you to natural sunlight, which can help regulate your sleep-wake cycle and enhance vitamin D production. Overall, the simplicity and accessibility of a short daily walk make it a valuable habit for promoting both physical and mental health, providing a moment of rejuvenation and connection with the world around you.

I like to walk Toby (my dog!) whilst listening to my audio affirmations (Superhuman App as mentioned above) or my favourite music for some mental clarity! 

We’re only human and we can’t have a perfect prcatice all day every day but small steps like these could help your physical and mental health so much! 

On a final note, if you’re going to buy the nice expensive perfumes and candles – use them! Fair enough, not every day and flying through them because lets be honest, they can be pricey! BUT – don’t keep waiting for special moments and then never believe that any moment is special enough. Life is short so make the most of it! 

Leave a comment below or message me! I love hearing from you all
Affiliate links are used on this blog – if you purchase an item that I have linked, I may receive commission but it is no extra cost to you – thank you for any purchases you do make and let me know your thoughts! 
I may receive commission on some of these items but I ONLY recommend products that I use and really rate! Alternatively, I make it clear if it is a wish list rather than tried & tested!