TOP 5: Work From Home Lunches

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Food is genuinely such a joy to me – I have such a passion for it that sometimes it is boarderline weird in all honesty but .. we move! Generally I really do love cooking BUT some days you are willing to make the effort for a big feast and others not so much – especially lunch time which can be quite difficult to allocate time for in a hectic schedule, such as working from home. 

I have summarised six (I couldn’t just pick 5) of my favourite work from home lunches! I am clearly no chef so some of the ingredients lists are semi-vague on portion sizes and that is because I think its best to let people decide how much they would rather as that’s what I often do with recipes anyway! – I.e. only a small amount of chicken or a lot – I have left it flexible but hopefully still helpful. Let me know if you want to double check the methods at all too!

Additional notes: I personally massively prefer photographs of food when browsing recipes BUT I don’t want my poor presentation & dodgy photography to put people off – you will just have to trust in my passion and good taste!.. you won’t regret it – these are truly gems that you will keep going back to!

There are vegetarian options + alternative suggestions in this guide! 

To help save money and faff – a lot of these ingredients overlap so it is more efficient for your weekly shop! 

Recently I have been using Frylite for all my pan cooking so this applies to any relevant instructions.



  • 1 tortilla
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1/2 spring onion
  • Sprinkling of grated mixed mozzarella cheddar
  • A few cherry tomatoes chopped to bite size pieces
  • Some coriander
  • *quick note that you can buy cartons of egg whites which makes this recipe even easier!

This is a lighter option and perhaps more of a breakfast/ brunch or if you don’t want a large meal. It’s super tasty and not stodgy as well as speedy to make! It is a perfect mix between wanting something warmer than overnight oats, more interesting than a plain omelette and lighter than a small fry up! 

Crack 1 egg in to the pan or a portion from the carton of egg whites.

Sprinkle the cheese on top.

Press the tortilla down on top to ensure it is mixed in well.

Add the tomatoes and spring onions on top

Gently turn up the edges to ensure it doesn’t stick and has cooked ok – leave for a few minutes.

Flip on to plate – add the tomatoes + onions from the plan and place the sliced avocado and coriander on top!



  • 2 mini tortilla wraps
  • Sliced chicken (1/2 chicken breast worth per 2 wraps) bite size pieces
  • Sliced halloumi (1/4 block sliced per 2 wraps)
  • Mini gem lettuce ( 2/3 leaves per wrap)
  • Nando’s chilli jam
  • Nando’s perinaise
  • Mayonnaise (this is a naughty extra really!)

This is one of my favourite lunches ever – I’m obsessed! The best method is cutting up and frying a few chicken breasts, storing them in the fridge and then they’re ready to go each day which definitely speeds the process up. I still cook the halloumi fresh as it’s nicer but a lot quicker to cook than chicken. The mayonnaise is a little OTT and I know some people don’t like it but I clearly love a good sauce addition..

Cook seasoned chicken

Slice halloumi and pan fry

Load up the two tortilla wraps – I use this order:

Small amount of mayonnaise to cover the middle of the wraps

Lettuce leaves




Chilli jam + Perianise

It is honestly just wonderful!!!



  • Mixed lettuce salad leaves
  • Crispy chicken – or fry plain if preferred. You could also
  • 1 boiled egg – grated
  • 1/2 grated carrot
  • 1/4 diced red pepper
  • 1 shallot or 1/4 of red or white onion
  • Mayonnaise (light or greek yoghurt for healthier option)
  • Dash of paprika 

There are a few options here so you can make your own crispy chicken for a healthier option and perhaps batch that for the fridge for a few days to help speed up lunches or you could buy crispy chicken. Plan C is just pan fry your chicken with seasoning so its still tasty! Entirely up to you! I’d also suggest to batch boil a few eggs at once. This is so tasty and the grated egg needs to be appreciated in all its random but wonderful glory

Boil eggs

Depending on the chicken you buy – cook as per instructions – Air fryers are ideal as they are fast and most energy efficient.

Mix mayo and paprika in a bowel so it becomes a light pink shade

Mix in salad, grated carrot, diced pepper + onion – mix together

Grate egg on top of the salad + add the chicken on top

Once you’ve got the ingredients prepped it is such a quick lunch and so tasty!



  • 1 whole grain Pitta – toasted
  • 1 small tin of tuna
  • Mayonnaise (greek yoghurt healthier option)
  • 1/2 avocado sliced
  • 1 tomato sliced
  • Green pesto
  • Jalapeños diced (depends how spicy you like)
  • Dashes of Tobasco (don’t add too much for your first try)

This is a recreation of joe & the juice and it is one of my ultimate favourites.

Drain tin of tuna and mix with some mayo (or greek yoghurt)

Add tobasco + a dash of brine from the jalapeño jar

Add diced jalepenos, salt and pepper

Toast pitta and cut open

Add a light layer of green pesto to bother sides – don’t over do it

Add tuna mayo mixture to 1 side

Layer sliced avocado on top

Layer sliced tomato on top

You’re ready to go! You can adjust the jalapeño and tobasco depending on preference



  • 3 Celery stems – finely diced
  • 3 Carrots – chopped to bite size pieces
  • 1 White onion – finely diced
  • 1/2 pack of Fine rice noodles (vermicelli)
  • 2 Chicken breast – shredded
  • 2 Chicken boullion stock cubes
  • Garlic
  • Thyme
  • Parsley
  • Butter
  • Salt + pepper + paprika (small amount)

A great Winter Warmer and perfect option for batch cooking which seriously speeds up the lunch process! Quite time consuming for the initial cooking but you can make SO much and freeze or fridge it – it’s great! It feels so much healthier and tastier than shop bought.

First I boil the chicken with the stock cubes and shred once cooked (keep the stock)

Add butter to pan, pan fry onions & celery – soften then add garlic & carrots

Add stock from cooking the chicken – add extra if you prefer soup ratios as a bit more liquid like I do! This also makes it go further for batch freezing.

Add thyme, parsley, salt & pepper – a good amount of each for extra flavour

Let simmer & add the shredded chicken – simmer with lid on for 30 minutes

Add noodles for a final 5 minutes to soften and ready to serve!



  • 2-3 mini tortillas
  • Poached and shredded chicken (do this in bulk & save in the fridge for a few servings)
  • 1/2 avocado
  • A few baby plum tomatoes – chopped small
  • Feta cheese – small amount crumbled
  • 1 spring onion
  • 1 lime
  • A few jalapeños – chopped small

I have this more in Summer than winter admittedly but it is so so good and so easy once you have all the items prepped. I simply prep the chicken and chop up the ingredients in to fine smaller servings and layer up in this order:

Mash avocado, coriander, onion, lime juice + tomatoes in to one mixture

Layer mixture on both wraps

Add shredded Chicken

Add jalepenos ( I prefer to dice them small and add a lot)

I have said 2-3 wraps as I find this slightly less filling than the Nandos version above but it is entirely up to you and you could switch for large tortillas too and adjust the quantities slightly!

Hopefully the instructions have been easy enough to follow but let me know if you want to double check anything at all! 
Try some out and let me know what you think in the comments or better yet – tag me in your photos on Instagram!
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